Sebelumnya sudah pernah memaparkan tentang apa itu Spoof Text dan juga Procedural Text. Nah, dalam artikel ini – kami akan memberitahu lebih lanjut mengenai Descriptive Text!
Apa itu Descriptive Text
Pernahkah kalian membaca review seseorang tentang sesuatu? Nah, hal itu sebetulnya mirip sekali dengan descriptive text!
Jadi, descriptive text, seperti namanya, dipakai untuk menggambarkan sebuah hal secara deskriptif atau secara detail dan jelas!
Hal yang dibahas bisa mengenai benda, tempat, pemandangan bahkan makhluk hidup seperti manusia, hewan dan tanaman!
Adapun, tujuan dari pembuatan descriptive text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau memperkenalkan suatu hal secara detail kepada pendengar atau pembacanya.
Contohnya, kalian bisa membuat descriptive text mengenai iPhone X. Nah kalian harus menulisnya secara detail mengenai features yang ada pada telepon genggam itu agar para pembaca tahu apa itu iPhone dan apa saja keunggulan dan kekurangannya!
Struktur dari Descriptive Text
Pada dasarnya, struktur dari descriptive text situ sangat mirip dengan narrative text dimana ada pembuka, inti dan penutup.
Tetapi, 3 hal tersebut jika dalam descriptive text dikenal sebagai identification, description dan conclusion! Apa sih itu? Yuk disimak dibawah ini!
- Identification
Identification atau identifikasi diposisikan sebagai paragraf pembuka. Kenapa? Karena tugas identification adalah untuk memperkenalkan kepada pembaca atau pendengar mengenai objek apa yang akan kita bedah!
Dalam paragraf ini, kita tidak usah menjelaskannya secara detail. Tetapi, kita harus memberitahu apa objeknya dan kenapa kamu menuliskan descriptive text mengenai hal tersebut.
- Description
Setelah menuliskan identification, kita bisa langsung menulis intinya nih! Yaitu description atau deskripsi dari objek yang sudah diperkenalkan pada paragraf sebelumnya.
Pada paragraf description, kita wajib untuk menjelaskan mengenai objek tersebut secara mendetail! Dari apa itu objeknya, apa saja feature yang dipunyai objek tersebut dan lain-lain.
- Conclusion
Jika kamu sudah menulis poin satu dan poin dua, yuk kita buat conclusion atau kesimpulannya!
Jadi, kamu harus mengulang klaim kamu diatas secara lebih pendek dan menyimpulkan mengenai objek yang dibahas.
Banyak orang yang bilang bahwa bagian ini optional atau sifatnya tidak wajib. Tapi semuanya kembali ke kamu sebagai penulis ya!
Ciri – Ciri Descriptive Text
- Teks hanya fokus pada satu objek.
- Menggunakan simple present tense.
- Menggunakan attribute verb (is, am, are)
- Menggunakan figurative language atau metafora agar dapat mengilustrasikan objek tersebut kepada sang pembaca atau pendengar.
Contoh dari Descriptive Text
A Homey, Delicious, and Busy Bakery
I had been living in Jakarta for my whole life until I got accepted in university, I have several favorite places in the so-called capital city of Indonesia—but instead of telling you all of those places, I’m just going to tell you about my favorite spot for writing. The place is a café-style bakery inside a shopping center in the prestigious area of South Jakarta and the name of the bakery is Tous Le Jours. I enjoy writing there because I like their cozy and homey interior, their delicious baked goods and coffee, and also because of how busy the place is.
The person that designed the bakery’s interior did a really good job as it is now a very cozy and comfortable place that makes me want to stay there for a long time. Not only cozy, it also kind of reminds me of home as it has wooden floors, comfortable chairs, and huge windows so we can look at the swimming pool that is just behind the shopping center that the bakery is in. Though the house that I lived in has a completely different concept than the bakery’s but I still cannot help but think of the bakery as my second home just because of how comfortable the place is but mainly because of the aroma of freshly baked goods since my mother loves to bake baked goods herself.
Their baked goods and coffee are also too good to be true, I normally do not really like bread or sweet food but for some reason I cannot get enough of Tous Le Jours’s sweet baked goods and its coffees. You will not find such things as baked goods that are too sweet in Tous Les Jours, because their products taste just right—as in not too sweet but definitely not tasteless. Not only the baked goods, the coffees in the bakery are very good too and it also comes in a wide mug so a cup of coffee is more than enough. My favorite menus are the creamy milk custard buns and also their hot cappuccino, the cappuccino is definitely cheaper and tastier than the one in the famous coffee shops.
And as I mentioned before, Tous Le Jours is located in a rather prestigious area in South Jakarta, which means that the bakery can be busy all day long but I love how the bakery can be silent in one minute and busy in another minute. And when it comes to fictional writing sessions, I usually love to write when the place that I am in is as lively as the bar on Friday night that is why I don’t mind the busyness around me at all.
In conclusion, Tous Le Jours is a café-style bakery that has a homey vibe all around the place, their baked goods and coffees are very delicious and the place is very busy but I love it the way it is.