Apa itu Procedure Text? Arti, Cara, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri serta Contoh dari Procedural Text

Apa itu Procedure Text? Arti, Cara, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri serta Contoh dari Procedural Text

Kami yakin kalian pernah setidaknya membaca satu procedure text di hidup kalian. Karena teks ini sebetulnya dapat ditemukan di banyak tempat dengan mudah!

Misalnya saat kamu baru membeli kulkas atau bahkan di bungkus mie instan! Di sana, kamu bisa membaca procedure text!

Tapi, apa sih procedure text? Dan bagaimana cara menulisnya? Yuk dibaca dibawah!


  • Apa itu Procedure Text?


Apakah kamu pernah mencari cara melakukan sesuatu? Jika iya, berarti saat itu kamu sedang mencari procedure text! 


Betul, procedure text merupakan teks yang menggambarkan cara melakukan, membuat atau menggunakan sesuatu. Misalnya, cara membuat mie instan, cara membuat nasi goreng. Bahkan, artikel ini juga sebuah procedure text karena menjelaskan cara membuat procedure text itu sendiri!



  • Struktur dari Procedure Text


Dalam menulis procedure text, kalian harus menulis tiga bagian utamanya yaitu:


  • Sampaikan Tujuannya (Purpose)


Purpose dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti tujuan. Jadi hal pertama yang harus kamu tulis adalah tujuan dari procedure text yang ingin kamu buat. 


Misalnya, tujuan dari teks kamu adalah untuk membuat jus mangga jadi 


The purpose of this text is to show you how to make mango juice

(Tujuan dari pembuatan teks ini adalah untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana cara membuat jus mangga)



  • Jabarkan Barang atau Bahan yang Dibutuhkan! (Material / Ingredient / Equipment)


Setelah menyampaikan apa tujuan dari procedure text tersebut – kamu perlu memberitahu barang atau bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat hal tersebut!


Karena kamu ingin membuat jus melon. Ingredient yang kamu perlukan adalah:


  • Mango (mangga)
  • Water (air)
  • Sugar (gula)


Dan, equipment yang harus kamu punya adalah

  • Blender
  • Chopping board (talenan)
  • Knife (pisau)


  • Menyampaikan Cara Pembuatannya (direction atau step)


Jika kamu sudah menyampaikan dua poin sebelumnya, sekarang kamu harus menyampaikan cara membuatnya atau langkah-langkahnya!


Misalnya jika procedure textnya tentang membuat jus mangga:

  1. Firstly, peel the mangoes.

Pertama-tama, kupas mangga nya.

  1. Cut into cubes.

Potong berbentuk dadu.

  1. Next, you can put the mangoes into the blender while also adding water and sugar into it.

Masukkan mangga ke dalam blender, tambahkan air dan gula.

  1. Turn the blender on and process it until the texture is smooth.

Nyalakan blendernya dan blender sampai halus.



  • Ciri-Ciri Procedure Text


    • Menggunakan adverbial of sequence atau temporal conjunction untuk menunjukan langkah-langkah. Seperti: firstly (pertama-tama), second (kedua), third (ketiga), then (lalu), next (selanjutnya), dsb.
    • Memakai frasa yang berarti memberikan perintah. Contoh: Turn the blender on, Cut into cubes, dsb.


  • Menggunakan adverbials yang menjelaskan waktu. Misalnya: for ten second (selama 10 detik), for a day (selama sehari), dll.
  • Menggunakan simple present tense.
  • Gunakan action verb seperti cut (potong), cook (masak), make (membuat), dll.




  • Contoh Procedure Text:



Making Your Own Sorbet


Some people are unable to consume all food and beverage they want; In fact, some people have their own prohibition to eat or drink something because of their health issues. The food or drinks that those people have to avoid are usually the ones that are high in sugar, but that does not mean people with health issues cannot consume delicious desserts such as sorbet. But, store-bought sorbets are notorious for the amount of the chemicals substances and sugar, so how come they are still able to eat it? The answer is obvious. We can simply make our own delicious but also healthy sorbet. Here is an easy way to make your own sorbet.

Ingredient and Equipment:

First of all, what you have to do is gather all of the ingredients and the tools. The ingredients are fresh fruits that you desire, lemon juice, water, honey, and you can also add some condensed milk, but it is up to you whether you want to add it or not. And the tools are: a knife, a cutting board, a blender, a rubber or wooden spatula, a stainless steel pan, and do not forget the most important item that you must have in order to make this recipe successful—a freezer. As you can read above, all of the ingredients are easy, simple and easy to find.


Now we will move on to the first actual step, it is to prepare the fruit you use, and then processing it in the blender. By preparing the fruit, I meant that you have to peel the fruit and cut it into small chunks. After that, you put all of it into the puree, and then add the lemon juice, honey, and water. Then, you can start processing it by simply turning on the blender and letting it blend. If you would like to add some condensed milk then you can do it while the blender is still processing the fruits. And if you have a small puree, then I suggest you blend the fruits little by little so the fruits will mix thoroughly.

The second step is what you do after you process it in the blender. You can pour all of the juice into a stainless steel pan and place it in the freezer for about 25 minutes. After 25 minutes, take the pan out of the freezer and break up the large ice chunks by stirring it or if you want a fluffier texture, then you can blend it again with the blender. After that, you can return the sorbet to the pan and freeze it for about 8 more hours.

And the last step of the whole recipe is how you serve it. You have to take the sorbet out of the freezer and then place it in glasses, bowls, small cups, or any container that you desire. You can also put some garnish on it, and then you can serve and eat it. If you make too many sorbets, then you can simply store it in the freezer and eat it later on.

Nah, itulah penjelasan mengenai procedure text. Semoga membantu ya!

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