Berikut panduan bagi pelaku UMKM Selama Kegiatan PPKM

Berikut panduan bagi pelaku UMKM Selama Kegiatan PPKM

Hello, greetings to all of us.

As usual this time I will share useful information for friends. That is a guide for MSME actors during the PPKM period or the implementation of restrictions on community activities.

Now the PPKM program itself is a policy issued by the government in an effort to reduce the impact of the spread of the pandemic virus in Indonesia

which is increasingly felt to be increasing day by day, the government hereby takes steps with the aim of reducing it.

As we all know, the corona virus has started to mutate into several variants, which are actually getting stronger.

Now, the implementation of this PPKM is a polemic in this country, because on the one hand we have to prevent the spread of the virus, on the one hand these MSME actors must continue to fight so that their economy remains smooth, actually if you look at this nothing has changed, but only changes have occurred. on the process carried out. The following are important guidelines during PPKM

  1. maximum operating hours until 20:00 local time.
    operating hours here are economic activities that can be carried out until eight o’clock in the evening according to local time. For MSME actors who previously opened until late at night, now their operating hours are limited.
  2. visitor capacity for essentials is limited to 50 percent of the previous capacity.

Now for MSME actors for the financial sector, then for the previous capacity they are free to determine how many visitors,

but at present PPKM must be limited to half or 50% of the total existing capacity. So, apart from SMEs, buyers also have to understand and understand this.

  1. sales of food and beverages using a delivery service.

At the time of the implementation of the PPKM, the buying and selling of food and drinks had to be brought home and nothing was eaten on the spot. If it is not possible to come, friends can still place an order with an online motorcycle taxi service.

  1. provide a place for washing hands and hand sanitizer

Tentunya dalam upaya menjaga kebersihan, setiap tempat UMKM harus menjaga dan menyediakan tempat cuci tangan, baik itu untuk pengunjung maupun karyawan.

  1. karyawan memakai 2 lapis masker,

Nah perlu teman teman ketahui sebenarnya anjuran ini tidak hanya untuk karyawan, namun berlaku juga untuk setiap orang, bahwa tidak hanya cukup masker kain , maelainkan juga harus dilapisi dengan masker kesehatan di bagian dalamnya.

  1. ventilasi udara yang cukup di ruang kerja, Nah sebenernya ini merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang di ruangan masing masing, karena untuk kelancaran proses vertilasi udara yang masuk harus lancar.


Now, friends, these are important points from PPKM for these MSME actors, which is something that must be realized by all parties in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus in this country.
From now on, let’s start following and trying to reduce the impact of the corona virus.


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