Mengenal Direct dan Indirect Speech

Mengenal Direct dan Indirect Speech

Kursus Toefl Bandung – Bahasa Inggris, sebagai salah satu bahasa internasional, memiliki berbagai aturan dan struktur yang unik. Salah satu aspek yang menarik dari Bahasa Inggris adalah penggunaan Direct dan Indirect Speech. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang apa itu Direct dan Indirect Speech, bagaimana perubahan tenses dan waktu yang terjadi, serta bagaimana mengubah kalimat perintah dari Direct menjadi Indirect Speech. Nah, pada artikel kali ini, kami akan mencoba membahas seputar Direct dan Indirect Speech. Untuk lebih jelasnya, simak selengkapnya sebagai berikut


1. Pergantian Tenses

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kita sering kali mengubah bentuk kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech). Salah satu perubahan yang terjadi adalah pada tenses. Tenses dalam kalimat langsung akan berubah ketika kita mengubahnya menjadi kalimat tidak langsung. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh perubahan tenses:

Simple Present menjadi Simple Past

Present Continuous menjadi Past Continuous

Simple Past menjadi Past Perfect

Present Perfect menjadi Past Perfect

Will menjadi Would

Can menjadi Could


Direct Speech: He says, “I am happy.” Indirect Speech: He says that he is happy.

Direct Speech: She said, “I will go to the market.” Indirect Speech: She said that she would go to the market.

Direct Speech: She says, “I am studying.” Indirect Speech: She says that she is studying. 

Direct Speech: He said, “I was tired.” Indirect Speech: He said that he had been tired.

Direct Speech: They say, “We have finished the project.” Indirect Speech: They say that they have finished the project. 

Direct Speech: I said, “I had seen that movie.” Indirect Speech: I said that I had seen that movie. 

Direct Speech: You said, “I will call you.” Indirect Speech: You said that you would call me. 


2. Pergantian Waktu

Selain tenses, perubahan lain yang terjadi ketika kita mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung adalah pada kata-kata yang menunjukkan waktu. Kata-kata tersebut akan berubah sesuai dengan konteks waktu dalam kalimat tidak langsung. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh perubahan waktu:

Now menjadi Then

Today menjadi That day

Tomorrow menjadi The next day

Yesterday menjadi The day before

This menjadi That

These menjadi Those


Direct Speech: She said, “I will go there tomorrow.” Indirect Speech: She said that she would go there the next day.

Direct Speech: He said, “I bought this book yesterday.” Indirect Speech: He said that he had bought that book the day before.

Direct Speech: He says, “I will go there tomorrow.” Indirect Speech: He says that he will go there the next day.

Direct Speech: She said, “I saw him yesterday.” Indirect Speech: She said that she had seen him the day before.

Direct Speech: They say, “We will meet next week.” Indirect Speech: They say that they will meet the following week.

Direct Speech: I said, “I bought this last month.” Indirect Speech: I said that I had bought this the previous month.

Direct Speech: You said, “I will see you tonight.” Indirect Speech: You said that you would see me that night. 

Baca juga Pola dan Fungsi Noun Clause dalam Konteks Bahasa Inggris

3. Kalimat Perintah

Kalimat perintah dalam kalimat langsung juga akan berubah ketika kita mengubahnya menjadi kalimat tidak langsung. Biasanya, kalimat perintah akan diubah menjadi infinitive (to + verb) dalam kalimat tidak langsung. Selain itu, kata kerja yang digunakan juga akan berubah. Misalnya, “say” akan berubah menjadi “tell”, “ask”, atau “order”.


Direct Speech: He said, “Open the door!” Indirect Speech: He told me to open the door.

Direct Speech: She said, “Don’t be late!” Indirect Speech: She told me not to be late.

Direct Speech: He said, “Close the window!” Indirect Speech: He told me to close the window. 

Direct Speech: She said, “Don’t touch that!” Indirect Speech: She told me not to touch that. 

Direct Speech: They said, “Be quiet!” Indirect Speech: They told us to be quiet.

Direct Speech: I said, “Turn off the light!” Indirect Speech: I told him to turn off the light. 

Direct Speech: You said, “Come here!” Indirect Speech: You told me to come here.

Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda memahami lebih lanjut tentang direct dan indirect speech dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Selamat belajar.!! 

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